Artist in Research
During August and September, 2002 I was one of the artists in research at the Berwick Research Institute. I built a sound installation, called Red Sky at Night, Sailor's Delight. You can read my Research Report if you're interested. In addition, I shot a video of the installation, which Katya Gorker edited. It may end up on the Berwick's web site, eventually. -
MFA Thesis: untitled (for Oskar Sala)
My MFA thesis at Bard College was a sound installation, untitled (for Oskar Sala). It was presented in July, 2002.I had originally planned to do a noise performance as my thesis show, but I decided noise wasn't appropriate for such a formal context. Instead I did one "unofficial" performance. It was of three songs, "Can you hear it?", "Why can't we all just get along", and "We are the world". I'm going to release a limited edition DVD-R of this performance, "Dedicated to Paul Virillio", in due time, after I put all that other stuff out. In the meantime, "We are the World" is available on CD-R as a 28M Quicktime movie. You should email me if you'd like it. Or, thanks to Al Deaderick, you can also download the video from his web site.