Presents Jessica Rylan's 2002 Projects

  • Red Sky Tower

    Artist in Research

    During August and September, 2002 I was one of the artists in research at the Berwick Research Institute. I built a sound installation, called Red Sky at Night, Sailor's Delight. You can read my Research Report if you're interested. In addition, I shot a video of the installation, which Katya Gorker edited. It may end up on the Berwick's web site, eventually.
  • OS plackard

    MFA Thesis: untitled (for Oskar Sala)

    My MFA thesis at Bard College was a sound installation, untitled (for Oskar Sala). It was presented in July, 2002.

    I had originally planned to do a noise performance as my thesis show, but I decided noise wasn't appropriate for such a formal context. Instead I did one "unofficial" performance. It was of three songs, "Can you hear it?", "Why can't we all just get along", and "We are the world". I'm going to release a limited edition DVD-R of this performance, "Dedicated to Paul Virillio", in due time, after I put all that other stuff out. In the meantime, "We are the World" is available on CD-R as a 28M Quicktime movie. You should email me if you'd like it. Or, thanks to Al Deaderick, you can also download the video from his web site.


Copyright 2004 by Jessica Rylan.
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This page last updated: Monday, July 10, 2006
A Metastable States' web site